The Artist
King Lo N.S.

King Lo是一位擁有十多年的專業婚禮攝影師,以及為King Lo Photography的創始人。同時屬於WPPI、AsiaWPA、PPAC國際攝影協會會員。更於2016年成功獲得Master Photographers Association UK【英國攝影大師協會】 - Licentiate (LMPA) 之攝影大師資格。
由2008年至今,King Lo 已為數百對新人及家庭拍下獨有及美好的作品,他憑著對攝影的熱情,拍下了上萬張美輪美奐的婚紗照。無論是在海外或本地的婚紗照拍攝,King Lo以不同角度和光線及專業攝影技巧,創造出具有自己唯獨的作品。他利用過往旅行社工作經驗加上獨特攝影手法,為新人尋找出屬於他們的場景及作品,亦因此King Lo多年來獲得眾多新人的高度認同及肯定。憑藉他的敬業樂業和勤奮的工作態度,由2014年開始獲得多個國際攝影獎項,以及於2017年被香港婚禮媒體選為Best 24 Wedding Photographer of Hong Kong 之一。
由於2019年至今因香港出現種種政治因素,導致很多香港人離開自己生活了數十年的地方,移至海外定居,亦因疫情影響導致香港婚禮界難以持續,King Lo Photography 並於2020年上旬疫情來臨時暫停一切香港拍攝服務及公司運作,公司正式進入休業狀態。
因香港疫情限聚的情況下,King Lo Photography 及 太太Ann Tang的Rosa Nera 婚紗店仍然繼續堅守商業及個人責任,於兩年時間內順利完成所有疫症前訂單。而King Lo 一家,便於2022年3月26日正式回流加拿大,並以城市【卡加利】為重新開始的地方,同年6月亦正式開始恢復King Lo Photography 營運,並於網上宣布King Lo Photography 遷移至加拿大繼續運作,及後以加拿大卡加利為主要服務國家及地區。繼續為香港人及在加港人提供專業優質的旅遊式婚紗攝影服務。
King Lo is a professional wedding photographer with over a decade of experience, and the founder of King Lo Photography. He is also a member of international photography associations such as WPPI, AsiaWPA, and PPAC. In 2016, he achieved the distinction of Licentiate (LMPA) from the Master Photographers Association UK. Since 2008, King Lo has captured unique and beautiful moments for hundreds of couples and families. His passion for photography has led him to create thousands of stunning wedding photos. Whether it's destination weddings or local shoots, King Lo's distinct perspective, lighting techniques, and professional skills result in his signature style. Leveraging his past experience in the travel industry, he helps couples discover scenes and compositions that resonate with them, earning him widespread recognition and praise. Starting in 2014, King Lo's dedication and hard work earned him numerous international photography awards, and in 2017, he was selected as one of the Best 24 Wedding Photographers of Hong Kong by local wedding media. Due to various political factors in Hong Kong since 2019, many residents have relocated overseas after living in the city for decades. The wedding industry has also been affected by the pandemic, making it challenging to continue operations. In early 2020, King Lo Photography temporarily suspended all services and operations in Hong Kong due to the pandemic, officially going on hiatus. Despite pandemic-related gathering restrictions, both King Lo Photography and Ann Tang's Rosa Nera Bridal Boutique, run by King Lo's wife, continued to fulfill all pre-pandemic orders within two years. In March 2022, King Lo and his family officially returned to Canada and chose Calgary as their new starting point. In June of the same year, King Lo Photography resumed operations, announcing its migration to Canada and making Calgary its primary service location. The focus remains on providing professional and high-quality destination-style wedding photography services for both Hong Kong residents and the Hong Kong community in Canada.
King Lo is a member of
- Wedding & Portrait Photographers International (WPPI)
- Asia Wedding Photographers Association 亞洲婚禮攝影師協會 (AsiaWPA)
- Professional Photographer Asia Conference 亞洲專業攝影師協會 (PPAC)
- Master Photographers Association 英國攝影大師協會 (LMPA)
- 2014 AsiaWPA - 2nd Half Competition - Emotion【Excellence Award】
- 2015 Wedding Magazine - 10 Destination Photographer 【Japan】
- 2015 AsiaWPA - 1st Half Competition - Bride & Groom Together【Excellence Award】
- 2015 Wedding Magazine - 10 New Age Photographer 2015
- 2015 PPAC - Annual Online & Print Competition - Pre Wedding Category【Bronze Award】
- 2016 Qualified Master Photographers Association UK - Licentiate (LMPA)
- 2016 PPAC - Annual Online & Print Competition - Portraits Category【Bronze Award】
- 2017 All About Wedding - Wedding Award 【Oversea Pre Wedding Photography - Europe】
- 2017 Wedding Magazine - Wedding Award 【Best Traveling Photography】
- 2017 Wedding Magazine - 15 Fine Art Pre Wedding Photographer
- 2017 MPA - Master Photography Award 【Above Average】
- 2017 香港著名導演 唐季禮先生 婚禮攝影師
- 2017 Best 24 Wedding Photographer of Hong Kong
King Lo Photographer contact informations
Whats app / Mobile : CA : +1 (587) 973 6464(中文) /+1 (587) 973 4929(English) / HK : +852 - 6346 6464
E-mail : [email protected]
Official Facebook page :
Personal Facebook page :